LEBANESE EXCELLENCE AWARD. "Further strengthening of quality management capabilities and infrastructure in Lebanon". Technical Assistance Project: EuropeAid/132048/D/SER/LB, Contract:ENPI/2012/297-962
Funded by an EU funding program (Europe-Aid) the Lebanese Government proceeded to the design of a unique management Model and a structure of an effective Lebanese Excellence Award (LEA). The Award has been intended for Large Business, Small Business, NPOs and Public Sector ministries/ Authorities (including the Police and Army Units). The Award process has been Governed by a Jury of members appointed by Excellence and presided by HE the Minister of Economy and Trade. Our expert undertook the full responsibility to design the Management Model and the structure of the Excellence Award for three levels of maturity and four categories of applicants (as mentioned above). Assessors were selected and trained properly with a training system designed by the expert.
The total project has been coordinated and guided by QUALEB the non-profit Quality Organization of Lebanon belonging to the Ministry of Economy and Trade.
The program is now in it’s fifth year of successful application and is managed here on by trained and experienced managers of QUALEB (trained by the expert) under the leadership of the QUALEB director.
Excellense / Marine Excellence
Management Systems / Performance Management and HR